samedi 3 août 2024

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What did US lawmakers actually applaud during Netanyahu’s congress address?

 The bombing of schools, the destruction of families, children and civilians in Palestine’s Gaza. These are some of the tragic realities US lawmakers and guests actually applauded during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to US Congress on July 24. Subscribe:

Bernie Sanders denounces 'war criminal' Benjamin Netanyahu's US Congress address

Addressing the US Senate before Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming congressional address, Vermont senator Bernie Sanders said Israel’s war on Gaza has 'trampled on international law, on American law, and on basic human values'. Subscribe to Guardian News on YouTube ► Sanders described the conflict as 'one of the worst disasters in modern history', saying it has been 'aided and abetted' by the United States. The Guardian publishes independent journalism, made possible by supporters. Contribute to The Guardian today ► Sign up to the Guardian's free new daily newsletter, First Edition ►

En Israël, on débat sur "le droit de torturer" (dont abus sexuels) les prisonniers palestiniens

Ce lundi, des manifestants israéliens ont envahi deux base militaires pour réclamer la libération de neuf soldats soupçonnés d'abus sexuel sur un prisonnier palestinien. Une arrestation qui relève surtout de l'opération de com' à destination de la communauté internationale, puisque cela fait des mois maintenant que tortures et abus sexuels sur les prisonniers palestiniens sont devenus la norme.