Mandelbrot World Record Attempt - Part 11 (e20000 to e21831)
The deepest Mandelbrot zoom ever! This zoom is over 24-hours long, uploaded to YouTube in 11 parts. It will finish on a mini-Mandelbrot. As such, I am claiming a world record for the deepest Mandelbrot video! I have kept to the traditional colouring style for this one. Consider playing your own music while you let this one roll. Sit back, relax, and soak it in.
This will be the only time I ever attempt a video this deep. Rendering around the final mini-Mandelbrot is just too computationally expensive to try again; I have other things I wish to achieve now. If you wish to claim the deepest Mandelbrot title, and would like me to acknowledge it, here are my conditions: It must finish on a mini-Mandelbrot, it must be rendered in at least 4k, it should double in depth no faster than once per second, and you should publish the coordinates.
Finally, a huge thank-you to my supporters on Patreon, and my loyal subscribers who have made this channel possible! If it wasn’t for you, this content would not exist.
I always turn off mid-roll ads so you don't get interrupted! You can support this practice by joining Patreon, super-thanks, or making a direct one-time donation:
Here are the links for each part (the release will be spaced)
Part 1: • Mandelbrot World Record Attempt - Par...
Part 2: • Mandelbrot World Record Attempt - Par...
Part 3: • Mandelbrot World Record Attempt - Par...
Part 4: • Mandelbrot World Record Attempt - Par...
Part 5: • Mandelbrot World Record Attempt - Par...
Part 6: • Mandelbrot World Record Attempt - Par...
Part 7: • Mandelbrot World Record Attempt - Par...
Part 8: • Mandelbrot World Record Attempt - Par...
Part 9: • Mandelbrot World Record Attempt - Par...
Part 10: • Mandelbrot World Record Attempt - Par...
Part 11: • Mandelbrot World Record Attempt - Par...
Full playlist of this zoom: • World Record Mandelbrot Zoom - Deepes...
This video will be available for Patreons to download in the coming days, which will have a higher bitrate. You can also use these visuals on your own channel or commercially if you are a member of my Patreon page. / mathstown
Patreon: / mathstown (Support, Downloads & Usage Rights)
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Twitter: / mathstown
Discord: / discord (Drop by and say hello)
Music from Epidemic Sound:
(Easily the best source of music for creators!)
#Mandelbrot #fractal #mathstown #fractals
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