mercredi 7 août 2024

War Is a Racket - This is its price

Footage from various World War II battlefields in Europe, showing the recovery of numerous German and Soviet soldiers. Full videos explaining the context of the various scenes shown here can be seen on my channel: -"WWII German Mass Grave discovery at Villeneuve-Loubet" -"The Stalingrad Digging Camp" -"The Hell where Youth and Laughter go" -"Exhumation of 25 German soldiers from a 1945 field hospital cemetery" Crocodile Tear Productions https://battlefieldarchaeology.blogsp... Music: "Lost Time", Kevin MacLeod ( WWII - Soviet Union - Identification tag - exhumation - battlefield archaeology - helmet - shrapnel - gunshot - artillery - Germany - Wehrmacht - Stalingrad - Villeneuve-Loubet - militaria - army - 1942 - 1943 - 1944 - 1945 - missing in action - killed in action - cemetery - funeral - burial

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